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The Perfect Timing: When To Add Prawns To Paella

Do you want to know when to add prawns to Paella? Yes, I want to know when to add prawns to Paella.

To various people, the word Paella denotes different things. And it simply means a dry rice meal with various tasty ingredients (chicken, prawns, veggies, and even… chorizo!).

Yes, my Spanish mother-in-law uses chorizo in her Paella. Valencians might cringe, but she doesn’t care if it’s not real. S

he calls it Paella and fills it with anything she wants. But don’t worry, as you read, I’ll review everything from when to add prawns to Paella.

Now, let’s get started.

What Are The Instructions And Directions On When To Add Prawns To Paella

The steps are as follows:

1. Preheat a grill until it’s hot – if using charcoal, wait until it’s light grey.

2. Preheat a big paella pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes, or until the chorizo begins to release its oils, with the olive oil.

3. Cook for a few minutes until the onion and pepper soften.

4. Cook for 1 minute after adding the garlic, chili flakes, and paprika.

5. Cook until the tomatoes are softened and broken down, then add the paella rice and toss well until completely coated in the sauce.

6. Add salt and black pepper, white wine, fish stock, and saffron, and then boil. Cook the rice for 15 minutes or until it is tender and the liquid has almost completely been absorbed. Do not stir the rice while it cooks; you want a crust to form on the bottom of the pan, resulting in a golden brown rice layer.

7. Nestle the prawns into the mixture and cook for 4-5 minutes, or until the prawns change color and are cooked through. Turn the prawns over halfway through cooking if required.

8. To taste, Garnish with parsley, lemon zest, and black pepper.

9. Serve immediately with lemon wedges.

How To Make Prawn Paella

One of the secrets of this dish is that we will make a simple homemade stock using the prawn heads and shells. There are no problems because you sauté the skins and let them simmer to extract all the juices.

I’ll teach you how to make the fish stock first, then the Paella:

1. Remove the skins and heads from the prawns. To get their essence, smash them.

2. use the prawn shells and heads to make a stock. Over medium heat, sauté a small onion and two garlic cloves in a tablespoon of olive oil. The shells and the heads come later. For 25 minutes, over medium heat, bring the water to a boil.

3. Now comes the saffron. Crush the strands of saffron with a bit of the hot broth in a mortar or equivalent to extract the flavor.

4. Combine the stock with the energy and make up the required amount. Pour in the saffron liquid.

Congratulations, you have created an excellent stock.

5. Mince the garlic and finely cut the fresh parsley. This will be one of the “touches” to this dish.

6. Mix the olive oil in a generously sized skillet or paella pan. The preferred temperature is moderate.

7. When the pan is heated, add the prawns and sauté them on both sides. Then, take them out of the pan.

8. Stir in the finely chopped small onion, crushed garlic, and parsley. Stir and cook

9. Add the grated tomato and a teaspoon of paprika when it starts to brown. Mix thoroughly and cook for a few minutes or until the water in the tomatoes evaporates.

10. Stir in the rice. Sauteing the rice will help to keep it from overcooking.

Season with salt and pour in the stock. One more stir to ensure that all of the ingredients are evenly dispersed.

11. Cook for about 15 minutes over medium-high heat (or until there is just a little stock left, as I normally do).

12. Return the prawns to the pot when the rice is almost done. I prefer to press them down to incorporate them with the rest of the ingredients, although this is not seen in the photos.

13. Reduce the heat to low and wait 10 minutes. For about 10 minutes, cover the pan with aluminum foil or the pan’s lid.

14. Finally, remove it from the heat and set it aside for 5 minutes. Have fun with it!

Why Do I Add Chorizo To My Paella Recipe

First and foremost, it’s tasty. Everything tastes better with chorizo; it’s a natural law. It adds fattiness, smoky paprika taste, and plenty of umami to Paella.

Second, why not include it? True, it’s not the conventional recipe. But Paella’s history isn’t that long, and there have been many modifications in the previous 200 years.

The traditional Paella contains rabbit and eel, but I haven’t seen anyone upset if they don’t get a plate of rice with a dab of eel meat.

Plus, tomatoes and potatoes were introduced to Spain in the 16th century, and I can’t imagine Spanish food without them! That’s what I like about Spanish cuisine: it’s always changing.

You will require the following items:

To make the best Paella imaginable, you’ll need a good paella pan. (It is also known as Paella). Spreading the rice in a thin layer will help it cook quickly and crisp nicely. Not having one is nothing to worry about. Find your widest and deepest saute pan and use that.

Can You Put Frozen Prawns Straight Into Paella

The straightforward answer is yes. We use frozen prawns in our seafood paella dish, which takes around five to six minutes to cook in the Paella.

Cooking time for fresh prawns is roughly three minutes. They’ll need around a minute to reheat if you’re using cooked prawns. So, depending on their state, alter when you add the prawns.

There are a few essential elements to preparing any decent paella, which we go through in great depth here.

The following is the RECIPE INSTRUCTIONS:


Put olive oil in the pan and chopped onions over medium heat. Stir-fry for 5 minutes, until tender but not browned, using more oil if necessary.

Add the saffron, garlic, and sweet paprika, breaking it up. Stir everything together for about a minute.


Cook for another eight minutes after adding the tomatoes. Make sure the saffron and paprika are evenly distributed by stirring the mixture often.

Stir in the rice and the other ingredients for one minute.


Now add the stock and thoroughly combine all of the ingredients. Using your spatula, evenly distribute the rice around the pan’s bottom. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Leave the rice alone for the time being and cook the Paella for 15 minutes or until most but not all of the liquid has been absorbed.


Place the monkfish first, then the prawns, on the surface of the Paella. Cook for another 5 minutes.

If desired, garnish with lemon quarters and equally distribute the chopped parsley on top.

Do You Cook Prawns Before Eating

Prawns can be purchased raw or cooked. They can be used in the same dishes and ways, while cooked prawns can be served cold.

They are blue-grey when uncooked (hence, they are often called green prawns).

Big and juicy tiger or king prawns are the most usually offered uncooked, either entirely in their shells or with their heads removed (the latter is known as prawn tails). North Atlantic prawns are smaller and sold uncooked, typically entire.

Prawns become pink when cooked. Tiger and king prawns are both sold cooked, with their heads and shells (save for the very tip of the shell) removed.

North Atlantic prawns are also marketed cooked, either whole or headless; if headless, they are usually shellless (save for the very tip of the shell).

Pink and brown prawns are available, and they are sold ready-cooked. Because peeling is a laborious operation, ready-peeled ones are the best option.

What To Serve With Paella

So, to prepare a complete Spanish Feast, here are some suggestions:

1. Quick and Easy Tapas Starters, including Spanish Potato Tortillas, Garlic Mushrooms, and More! (Since these are older recipes, there won’t be any video tutorials for them. Put a request for videos in the comments area below if you want to see them!

2. This Paella will serve as the main dish.

3. CHURROS, a traditional dessert in Spain! They take only twenty minutes to prepare from start to finish, and because they reheat so nicely, they are an excellent choice for party foods that can be prepared in advance.

Final Thought

Now that we have established When to add prawns to Paella, Add ham or cooked chicken to the mix if you have any leftovers in the refrigerator.