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It Will Shock You: How Many Prawns Are There In The World

Do you want to know how many prawns are there in the world? Yes, I want to know how many prawns there are worldwide.

To begin with, I understand that we couldn’t properly monitor the exact population numbers, but what would be a berry’s loose lower and upper bounds?

However, according to my extensive study, over 3,000 kinds of prawns and prawns are distributed across the world’s water systems and seas.

However, that is not all. Continue reading to learn about the world’s ten largest prawns and prawns.

Now, let’s get started

How Many Prawns Exist In The World

There are over 3,000 species of prawns, of which perhaps a couple of hundred are commonly consumed; two species account for approximately 70% of total consumption, with another ten or so accounting for the remainder.

Prawns are an enormous business; we pay roughly $25 billion yearly to obtain ten million tons (live weight) of prawns. The worldwide prawn workforce must number in the millions.

Over half of all prawns are farmed, with ten nations primarily producing them in China, India, and the Philippines. 

Most king prawns (including some quite little ones) are farmed. Penaeus monodon, sometimes known as the black tiger prawn, was the original farmed king prawn.

The whitening prawn Penaeus vannamei has recently risen to prominence due to its superior economics (it requires less food).

When peeled, the two species are indistinguishable. Both species are sold as “king prawn” (the species is specified on the pack you get, but you cannot select the species while purchasing).

Asia and South America account for 80 percent of world output. We estimate these two species account for over 70% of all king prawns consumed worldwide.

Are There Prawns In Africa

The short answer to your question is that wild-caught MASSIVE tiger prawns may be found around the coast of Africa.

They are United States Currency, Series U4, one of the biggest denominations offered commercially. This is the sea’s equivalent of a Tomahawk steak.

They are frozen with their heads and tails still attached at the end. Excellent for chefs who want to experiment in the kitchen or grill with a Tomahawk steak.

Because of their buttery flavor and solid consistency, these tiger prawns are perfect for sautéing, barbecuing, and making prawn cocktails. There are no artificial ingredients in this product.

Which Country Has The Largest Prawns

The gigantic tiger prawn, also known as the Penaeus monodon or Litopenaeus monodon, may grow to lengths of 33 centimeters or longer. It is one of the biggest prawns in the world.

The waters of the Philippines, the United States of America, Australia, and Southeast Asia all contain them.

Sadly, this prawn is considered an invasive species since it is known to colonize areas after being discharged from farms in many different locations.

The gigantic tiger prawn consumes decomposing debris, tiny invertebrates, and plant materials in its diet. It is an omnivore. Adults may weigh up to 10 ounces, but they are prized for their big size, making them a delicacy worldwide.

The dorsal region of this species, which might have an orange or black coloration, is distinguished by stripes. These look like tigers; the prawn may live for up to three years when kept in the warm seas it prefers.

With a harvest size between 9 and 11 inches, the tiger prawn is the biggest kind of shrimp sold in commercial quantities.

Compared to other types of prawns, their flavor is subtle and practically flavorless, and their texture is more robust than that of prink or gulf prawns.

What Country Has Prawns

China and Thailand are now in first and second place, respectively, with Vietnam, Indonesia, and India following closely after.

The remaining 25% of global production occurs in the western hemisphere, mostly in Latin American nations such as Brazil, Ecuador, and Mexico.

Thailand is by far the top nation in exports, accounting for more than thirty percent of the market share. China, Indonesia, and India follow Thailand, each accounting for around ten percent.

Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Ecuador are also important export nations in their own right. While China sells most of its prawns on the local market, practically all of Thailand’s supply is sent to international markets.

 Mexico is the only other major export nation except Mexico, which has a significant domestic market for farm-raised prawns.

Which Country Eats The Most Prawns

When it comes to the largest per capita consumption of prawns, Japan is, at 3.28 kg, followed by the United States (1.3 kg) and Europe, mostly EEC nations (0.5 kg).

Price predicts demand in Japan, but personal discretionary income does in the US.

From 1986 to 1988, the global prawn market flourished. In recent years, Japan, the US, and Europe have been the main markets. Do not neglect Southeast Asia, another fast-growing market.

Records were established for US and Japanese consumption in 1986, 1987, and 1988. Despite the decline in coldwater prawn catches, European commerce has grown.

The cultivated prawns were the biggest winners in the entire scenario. Farmed prawns from Taiwan, China, Thailand, and Ecuador flooded Japanese and American markets. As a result, prices for medium-sized prawns have decreased to their lowest level in recent months.

Coldwater prawn prices in Europe soared by 120% over 1985, then fell somewhat in 1987, prompting EEC importers to switch to warmwater prawns.

Unlike Japan and the United States, cultivated prawns did not enter the European market in 1986 and 1987 and remained a minor player.

However, a somewhat different tendency may be detected in 1988-1989, as will be demonstrated later.

What Are The Biggest Prawns And Prawns In The World

The following are the biggest prawns/prawns:

1. Prawns Mantis

Stomatopods, or mantis prawns, are a species of aggressive marine crustaceans. Stomatopods diverged from other Malacostraca members 340 million years ago.

Most mantis prawns grow to be approximately 10 centimeters long. However, some can grow to reach up to 38 centimeters long. They are the world’s largest prawns.

The carapace of the mantis prawn only covers the back of its head and the first four segments of its thorax. Mantis prawns come in various colors, ranging from brown to vibrant colors, and there are over 450 identified species.

The ancient Assyrians also called them “sea locusts, “prawn killers” in Australia, and, more recently, “thumb splitters” due to their ability to deliver terrible wounds if handled carelessly.

Mantis prawns have terrible raptorials that enable them to control and slaughter their victims by spearing, stunning, or dismembering them. Some species have fatal calcified “clubs,” whereas others have equally dangerous sharp forelimbs.

2. Tiger Prawn Giant

The huge tiger prawn is the world’s largest, reaching 33cm long. They may be found in various water sources, including Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Australia, and the United States.

However, they are rarely seen in America because they are an invasive species that escaped from farming farms. Because of its size, this prawn is considered a premium item on several continents.

The gigantic tiger prawn is huge, weighing up to 10 ounces. It can have black or orange lines on its back that look like tiger stripes.

This is what makes it stand out. It enjoys warm water and has a three-year lifetime. They are omnivorous, consuming rotting debris, plant material, and tiny invertebrates.

3. Freshwater Giant Prawn

The Giant freshwater shrimp, one of the world’s largest prawns, is exclusively found in tropical places such as the Indo-Pacific, India, Southeast Asia, and Northern Australia. It is sometimes referred to as Malaysian prawn or freshwater scampi.

Some freshwater prawns may reach a length of 30cm. They have greenish or brownish-gray bodies, with stronger colors on bigger individuals.

As they age, freshwater or gigantic river prawns will migrate from brackish to freshwater environments. These animals have been widely imported and farmed in numerous nations.

This species mostly consumes zooplankton and oligochaetes. It favors shallow waters with debris and vegetated areas and frequently buries itself partially in the sand during the day for safety.

Final Thought

Now that we have established How many prawns there are in the world, unfortunately, due to their high food demand, significant tropical prawn species are harvested primarily for consumption in the North.

America, the European Union, Japan, the Coral Triangle, and the Indian subcontinent are experiencing dramatic drops in fisheries productivity.