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How To Steam Fish Recipe: The Right Way!

Do you want to know how to steam fish recipe? Based on personal experience, steaming fish at home is relatively uncomplicated, contrary to popular belief.

This culinary endeavor often requires a cooking time of fewer than 15 minutes and does not necessitate using a specialized steaming apparatus, as I assure you.

I greatly appreciate garlic, lime, and coriander in the culinary preparation. This evokes memories of my summer vacations in Thailand, during which this particular item would be the focal point.

In addition to the information above, it is imperative to note that more elucidation will be provided regarding steaming a fish recipe inside the confines of one’s domicile, even without a conventional steaming apparatus.

Now, let get started.

How Do You Steam Fresh Fish

Step 1

Fill a steamer with water to cover the bottom by at least an inch, seal the lid, and boil. Raise the steamer rack over the water and replace the cover after adding the fish.

Steam the salmon for four to eight minutes or until it reaches the desired doneness. (It might take ten or even twelve minutes to cook a halibut steak of a respectable size.)

Step 2

Remove the fish from the oven, place it on a heated dish, and sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil. Slice and serve the meat after adding coarse salt on top.

How Long Do You Steam Fish

Steaming fish fillets like those in this dish is quick and straightforward. See the comprehensive recipe for Chinese Steamed Whole Fish to cook a whole fish for your next lunch.

Because fish with bones take longer to cook, it might be harder to tell when they’re done.

The time needed to steam fish fillets depends on the type you have, size, and thickness.

Thin filets of fish can be cooked in four to five minutes, while thicker, larger filets take longer.

How do you know when steamed fish is done? Use a dull butter knife to make a hole in the filet’s thickest part.

The fish is ready to eat when the butter knife glides into it easily.

It is recommended to check on the fish sooner and continue steaming for another one to two minutes, if necessary. Be careful to cook the fish sparingly, as it might become tough or rubbery if you do!

Which Fish Is Good For Steaming

Several varieties of fish cannot be adequately steamed. Steaming is the only cooking method appropriate for fishes that do not smell strongly of fish and have fewer bones than other types of fish.

Threadfin, cod fish, white pomfret, grouper, snapper, sea bass, tilapia, halibut, or even salmon are all examples of fish that are delicious when steamed and are excellent candidates for this cooking method.

If you cook the whole fish, however, it has to be highly fresh, with clear eyes, firm meat, and red gills.

Seasoning is an essential component of steaming fish, especially if the fish needs to be fresh or if you’re using the incorrect variety.

When preparing food, use herbs such as spring onions, ginger, shallots, and garlic, together with white pepper, Chinese cooking wine, and sesame oil, to decrease the scent of fish.

Cook the fish in a steamer basket over high heat for eight to ten minutes. Add three minutes if you want larger fish.

When cooked at the optimal time, the meat will retain its suppleness, silkiness, and delicacy.

Garnish the dish to be served with red sliced chili, ginger strips, minced garlic, and either light or dark soy sauce, along with vinegar.

How Do You Steam Fish If You Don’t Have A Steamer

The following steps will show you how to steam fish without using a steamer:

  • Put a saucepan over a very high heat.
  • Put an adjustable cooking ring made of stainless steel in the middle of the pot.
  • Put in enough water so that it comes up almost to the top of the ring.
  • Place a plate that will fit inside the pot in a stable position on top of the ring.

You are free to select any variety of fish that piques your interest; to prepare it, sprinkle it with virgin olive oil and season it with pepper and salt.

Once the water has reached a rolling boil, place the fish on the plate inside the pot and cover it with the lid.

(The fillet of salmon has to cook for 6-8 minutes, while the sea bass fillet needs to cook for 4-6 minutes.)

When everything is finished, serve it with steamed veggies, drizzle it with some extra virgin olive oil, and top it with a couple of slices of lemon or lime.

Have fun eating the fish that you steamed because it was so simple to make!

How Do You Know If Fish Is Cooked And Steamed

If you put a fork into the most significant part of the cut at an angle and twist it a few times, you can tell if the fish is done.

This approach is the most accurate. Fish will peel easily and no longer be translucent or uncooked.

For complete cooking, the fish should reach 140–145 degrees.

Try the 10-minute rule: measure the fish using the thickest part and cook it for 10 minutes per inch, flipping halfway through.

What Happens If You Steam Fish For Too Long

Fish and shellfish protein is fragile. Denature, or coagulate, at 40 degrees Celsius. The cooking time and time the meat is succulent and tasty are short.

Too much cooking makes the meat floury and loses elasticity. This makes it crucial to monitor the time and temperature.


There is little room for error, however, various fish have varied minimum internal temperatures when cooked:

• Cod, monkfish, and A. wolffish, as well as other white fish: 52 degrees Celsius

• Halibut, between 48 and 50 degrees C

• Flatfish: 50–52 degrees Celsius

• Monkfish: 47–58 degrees Celsius

• Salmon: 48–52 degrees Celsius

• Great Whites: 52 degrees Celsius

• Tuna: raw center at 31 degrees Celsius

• Eel: 70° C

The Temperature for Pilgrim mussels is 45 degrees Celsius.

• Temperature for Lobster Is 45° C

• Mussels and oysters: The process by which the shell, which was previously closed, becomes exposed

Final Thought

Now that we have established the how-to-steam fish recipe, Fish cooks rapidly and frequently becomes overdone, mainly because it keeps cooking even after it is taken out of the pan.

I’ve noticed that the general guideline for fresh fish is to let it sit for ten minutes for every inch of thickness.

If you cook fillets of average size instead of frying a whole fish, you will only need to cook them for a few minutes on each side in a deep fryer and even less on a skillet.

When the fish’s flesh turns opaque instead of transparent, it’s almost done, but it’s better to remove it from the oil before it’s too late.

Give it a few minutes to finish cooking, then check its doneness with a fork to see whether it’s flaking.